Media & Statements

The following are published pieces from our team about the War on Terror, Islamophobia, and the problematic relationship between government and corporations like Amazon.


When the world becomes your battlefield

Sept. 2021

On the question of moral

July 2021

If Biden Wants to Confront White Supremacy, He Must Also End the “War on Terror”

Jan. 2021

Guantanamo: An enduring symbol of US Islamophobia

Jan. 2020

It is time Amazon heeds the demands of its workers

April 2020

Opinion: US war on terror is still omnipresent

Oct. 2021

Watching The Report through Muslim eyes

Nov. 2019

Religious freedom for whom? Islamophobia at the ministerial to advance freedom

July 2019

On the intersection of DACA and Islamophobia

Nov. 2017

Does Islamophobia impact the underreporting of FBI hate crime data?

Dec. 2017